The Easter Course is at Aldro Prep School in Shackleford, Surrey.
Monday 14 - Thursday 17 April 2025.
Aldro, Lombard St, Shackleford, Surrey, GU8 6AS. Please click here for a map of its location. Nearest mainline station: Godalming. Nearest Airport: Heathrow, or Gatwick.
Specific course timings
Children should arrive on the Tuesday between 8.45 and 9.15, and the course will finish with an end of course concert on the Friday at 2.30pm, after which the children will be ready to leave.
After the first day, children attending on a day basis should arrive by 9.25 (no earlier than 9.10 please), ready for the first session at 9.30. They should be picked up at 6pm each day.

£620 residential, £560 day for the Easter Course at Aldro.
The cost of the course is all inclusive – all classes and tuition, accommodation, meals and activities.
If any day children wish to join in the evening activities, this option is available until 9pm and will be chargeable at £25 per evening.
Can I order one of the famous Brass Academy hoodies?
Yes of course! Please click here for more information.

The course was another brilliant experience for Peter, he has returned with bags of confidence and has even practised his trombone every day without any "parental reminders"! You can be sure he will be back! I cannot praise this course enough - the tutors, the administration, the food, everything is excellent.